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Physics Lab

At LHL School, our modern Physics laboratory provides students with hands-on experience to understand fundamental concepts through experiments. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, it facilitates practical learning, fostering skills in measurement, data analysis, and inference drawing.  

 In the Physics lab, students explore the principles of the integral science through experimentation, reinforcing classroom theory with real-world equipment. They delve into the essence of physics, where trial and observation lay the foundation for understanding natural phenomena.

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry education plays an important role in enhancing the quality of teaching, research and development as well as ensuring that students are equipped with good knowledge. The Chemistry laboratory at LHL school gives the students a safe environment to carry out their experiments and explore scientific facts and phenomena under the supervision of the faculty members.   

The Chemistry lab is well equipped with apparatus and sufficient stock of chemicals to perform various experiments and projects as prescribed in their curriculum. Separate places for storing chemicals and worktables with acid-proof tiles make it highly safe for the students to perform experiments.  

Biology Lab

At our school, the biology lab is a fantastic place for hands-on learning. Packed with modern equipment, it’s perfect for all sorts of experiments. Students get to explore with models, picture charts, and real specimens with professional staff. Everything they need for their curriculum is right there, ready to use. Whether they’re studying cells, animals, or plants, the lab has it covered. It’s a safe and stimulating environment where students can truly immerse themselves in the wonders of biology. By experimenting and exploring, they not only learn about life sciences but also develop a deep appreciation for the natural world around them.  

Science Lab

Composite Lab

Laboratories are the most important infrastructure of an educational institution. LHL has a Composite Science Lab to enable the practical knowledge of students by doing Experiments. The Science Lab is well equipped with furniture and apparatus related to the curriculum of the students. Our school encourages the students to use these laboratories to learn through experiments.  

The Composite Lab provides facilities and opportunities for students of classes 6 to 10 to carry out experiments and activities in all science subjects. The lab is well-equipped and can accommodate more than 40 students at a time. Students get equal opportunities for developing their scientific skills and interests.