
Junior Talentina - 2023

“If you are a true warrior, competition doesn’t scare you. It makes you better.”

-Andrew Whitworth

Our school has been organizing an Inter-School Competition “Junior Talentina” for the past two years to impart the best qualities to children from Kindergarten to Grade II. This year also various schools participated and students expressed their hidden talents. “JUNIOR TALENTINA – 2023” was conducted on 6th November 2023. Following competitions were conducted for Kindergarten to Grade II.

Various competitions were conducted under four categories as follows

1.Category A – LKG
2.Category B – UKG
3.Category C – Grade I
4.Category D – Grade II

Many schools participated in the competition. According to their performance marks were rewarded, and prizes and trophies were distributed. An overall trophy is been awarded to the overall performers.

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner.”