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English Lab

English Mentor as the name suggests, is an English Learning Programme that guides or mentors learners to acquire meaningful proficiency in English .And surprisingly, though it is called English Mentor , it requires only very limited intervention by a teacher in person. Rather,it is designed as a self exploratory learning programme for learners. Also the programme’s mentorship role stems from its sound pedagogic design and perhaps, the most innovative use of technology in a language learning programme. English Mentor has four modules that use a step-by-step process to help learners sharpen their reading, writing and speaking skills. It progresses through 8 levels of advancement. Each module comprises of 40 hours of intense language training, alternating between ILT (Instructor Led Training) and CBT (Computer Based Training) sessions.

Work Education

As per CCE, as a part of Work Education we have Art from waste. This activity happens for a period of 40 minutes every week. It also includes drawing, painting and modeling

Visual & Performing Arts

Visual & Performing Arts

Under the category Visual & Performing Arts we have following activities.The student is given the freedom to choose any activity of his own interest

  1. Classical Dance 
  2. Choir 
  3. Solo-ensemble  
  4. Iconic cultural event

Club Activities

Literary and Creative
Organizational & Leadership Skills

Planting Trees
To Maintain School Garden

To keep the Campus neat and clean

Helping poor and needy through Charity Programmes

Maros Maths
Maros Science
Maros Robotics

Physical & Health Education

Physical & Health Education

Keeping in mind Physical training is made mandatory to all the students by allotting exclusively one hour per day for physical Education. Our purpose of education is not to stress the mind but, just to ease it.